
What answer would you like to give a Republican who has blocked you from answering?

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My Answer to "Why Democrats haven't been able to find something relevant on McCain" (by Tony H who asks questions of Democrats but blocks them so he only gets Republican answers)

We have... What do you think his alliance with the creator of the Enron Loophole is?

Or having to toss 4 lobbyists out of his campaign after having said that his entire campaign was going to be about getting special interests out of government?

Or how about all his money from FOREIGN oil?




  1. I personally would say that while they were justified because you have asked a very insulting, ignorant question, you do have a right to answer. I would recommend in the future to ask something a little more precise and accurate. For example, what change does Hussein Obama expect to present to his constituents by asking Joe Biden, plagiarist, to be he running mate. I think that type of question is much more relevant.

  2. Ignore him. Whatever your argument, you won't dissuade him. You also forgot to mention the Keating Five scandal and the McCain/Feingold loopholed campaign reform bill that created these virulent, malevolent 527S.

  3. you are free to answer any of my questions...  

  4. I'm blocked by so many of them now. It ceases to matter. It's just life at YA.

  5. Don't feel bad.  I've had a Liberal Democrat from the ACLU block me and I'm a Republican.  What do you say when someone does that?  Nothing.  If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to listen, does it make a sound?

    So much for the first amendment!  

  6. They don't want this to be a forum for healthy debate to learn and grow.  They just want to preach to the choir and the choir says amen.

    These people who "know all the answers" don't need YA.  

  7. Either ignore him, or create an alternate account to answer his inane inquiries.  Personally I would just ignore him.  It means you got to him.  It would appear he doesn't want answers just a reaffirmation of his own narrow point of view.

  8. The fact that one of his top advisors is working for the Georgian government.  Pat Buchanan wrote an interesting article slamming him.

  9. I would say to her / him: Don't be like the Obama supporters who "violate" your answers because they can't handle the truth. I'm with you brother!

  10. The same way I'd answer a lib who's done the same. I'd tell them just where to shove it.  

  11. That way is fine.  By the way, I just blocked you because it seems to bother you so much.  :-)

  12. I have had several liberals get my questions & answers deleted.


    I answered one guy who thought Jesus was a liberal.  He didn't like my exposing his illogical 'logic.'  And I wasn't insulting him or anything.  I wasn't even saying Jesus was a conservative.  I was showing how difficult it is to translate his view politically.

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