
What appliance could you not live without???

by  |  earlier

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really think hard, choose wisely




  1. The fridge, really, given the hot-n-humid climate I live in.

  2. None really,,,but I would be hurting without a microwave.

  3. juicer

  4. The microwave.  It made bachelor living possible.

  5. I can live without any appliances but if I have to choose I would say the refrigerator.  

  6. If washer and dryer count as one then that would be it.  10 years ago I would have said my hairdryer, but having three kids changes things.

  7. Having lived in the African bush for 7 years, I learnt not to use a hair dryer, a stove, a microwave, a washing machine -but believe me we had a paraffin fridge and I couldn't have done without it.  Cold drinks/beers/meat/fruit....yes yes yes especially if its 27 degrees Celsius as the average temp all year through.

    So my answer is::: a fridge  

  8. The fridge.

    I can cook over a fire & wash in a stream if I have to, but my fridge is a must.

  9. today its 40 degrees so the fridge

  10. Hot water heater - especially in the winter!

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