
What are 10 good reasons or having a puppie?

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i realy want a puppy but i need to give my mum some good reasons for having a puppy please help me.




  1. 1. It will keep you and your family active.

    2. It will give you a lesson in responsibility

    3. They are good companions for everybody in the house.

    4. It will put you off having children until you are ready

    5. Stop you spending so much time on the computer, watching tv etc.

    That's all i could think of sorry, good luck =]

  2. That you'll love it, take care of it ALL the time, won't lose interest in it, will do anything that you can for it, be responsible with it, train it well, pay all the vets bills.

    Hang on, that's seven - well, it's a start. :-)

  3. to be having a puppy comes responcibility first.

    You gotta; play with it, feed it, water it, give it baths, take it for walks, pay the bills, and most impolrtantly.

    just love it and have fun.  

  4. ok good reasons

    1. A new companion.

    2. A new member of the family.

    3. Something to prove your responsible.

    4. Something to love and spend time with.

    There aren't really any more reasons

  5. Here they are:

    1) They are playful

    2) They grow up to be very loyal companions

    3) They comfort you if you feel bad.

    4) They can do things you cant eg. swim into a the middle of a lake or river.

    5) They never lose interest

    6) They dont get upset

    7) Each breed has its own style, and purpose.

    8) You can teach them to do any trick at all!

    9)You can choose from colours

    10) Because you will look after it, and love it.

  6. They are very expensive, very time consuming, the teeth and bite and chew everything; they jump and bark at everyone, and they take a long time to potty train.

    Is that 10?

    Puppies are a lot of hard work, and are a lifetime commitment! They need a lot of attention and training from a professional trainer!  

  7. 1.You'll love to have it around. They're very affectionate and they'll love you as much as you love them,

    2 If you're single, they're magnets for the opposite s*x,"Oooooooh, he's so cute! What's his name? Can I pet him?"

    3. They'll be there for you no matter what. if everyone else is busy, they'll always care for you.

    4. On the more practical side, taking care of a puppy would teach you responsibility.

    5. You'll pay all the vet bills and buy supplies(food, bowls, toys, etc.)

    5. You'll promise to train it, walk it, etc.

    Sorry, I couldn't think of ten.

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