
What are 10 interesting facts about costa rica?

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i need to know a list of really interesting things on costa rica...culture, geography, species...anything!




  1. Hm....let me see...

    ---1.It has 112 volcanoes although only six of them are active

    ---2.It doesn't have an army ....and the constitution prohibits it!!!.....just local police...

    ---3.Although it represents only 0.3% of the planet superfice, 5% of the animal and flower species are found in Costa Rica

    ---3.Costarricans call themselves "ticos"...(if u wanna know why send me an e-mail)

    ---4. Population distribution: 43.65% Urban area and 56.34% rural area.

    ---5.Costa Rica has the volcano with the largest crater in the world (Poas).

    ---6.The main traditional export products are banana, coffee, meat and sugar.

    ---7.It's only 10` North from the Ecuator

    ---8.The highest mountain is called Cerro Chirripo and it is a.820 msnm tall

    ---9.National bird: Yigüirro, Nat. Flower: Guaria Morada, Nat. Tree: Arbol de Guanacaste (Guanacaste's tree---Guanacaste is a CR province)

    ---10. It only takes 3 hours (car) or 45 min (plain) to travel from one coast to the other (2 oceans)!!

    PD....If u want more deep info about how life is in CR e-mail me i've got tons of info!!

  2. Pri10 gave u some good anseers i recomend them, Here r just a few more:

               1- Costa Rica is  a biological bridge btween North America and South america, that's why it has so many species.

               2- National Hero: Juan Santamaría, he kicked the filibusters (people from the US that wanted to conquer and CR and wanted to take slaves from here to CR) out of here.

              3- We, ticos, say that another caracteristic is the bad roads.

              4-Tipical breakfast: Gallo Pinto (rice and beans with some species added to it, served with: eggs, natilla and chicharrón wich is a tipe of meat. Mmmmm.....really good)

                Tipical deserts: Tres leches (3 milks),  chorreadas, flan d coco, tiramizú.


                5-Dry season: Ends of november 'till March.

                Rainy season: April 'till October.

                6- Official religion: Catholic

                7- Official language: Spanish

                8- Colombus got to Costa Rica in his 4th and final journy to America, he arrived at Isla Uvita.

                9-Costa Rica has a lot of variety of weather.

                10-Our 1st referendum was Oct 7th 2007, to c wheather accept CAFTA or not.

                11-Isla del Coco has more than 2000 spicies from watr and ground, actually it was a nomeeny for one of the 7 Wonders of the World.

                12- Costa Rica is divided in 7 Provinces: 1-San José






                                                                                    7- Limón


                13- CR was named the safest country in Latin America.

                14-ICE is Costa Rica's electric company (celphones, telephones, and other things)

                15-CR limits: North- Nicaragua

                                      SouthEast- Panamá

                                      East- Atlantic Ocean

                                      West- Pacific Ocean


  4. 1. Costa Ricans are called "ticos"

    2. ticos love rice and beans!

    3. sloths aka osos perezosos inhabit much of costa rica

    4. one of the biggest volcanoes is there aka volcan poas

    5. there is also a freakin huge lake which is called lago arenal.

    6. lago arenal is at the base of volcan arenal, which is an ACTIVE volcano

    7. there is an abundance of weed and hookers in jaco.

    8. ticos are the coolest people ever

    9. manuel antonio is a lovely beach home to many monkeys and sloths. there is also a joyful snocone vender there.

    10. the preferred beer of the ticos is imperial.

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