
What are 10 microscopic aquatic plants?

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What are 10 microscopic aquatic plants?




  1. Most true plants (vascular or primitive) wouldn't need to be viewed under a microscope - even the smallest of these (Wollfia) can be seen without magnification: - the Wollfia is the plant with the smaller leaves surrounding the larger leaves of two duckweed plants.  If all you're looking for ia some small aquatics, the Wollfia and duckweed (and there are several species of this - the scientific name for the genus is Lemna) are a couple of names to look up, along with Azolla, Spirodela, and Salvinia.  Some that are a little larger, but have parts best seen under a microscope are bladderworts (Utricularia), water shamrocks (Marsilea), and naiads (Najas).  Some smaller non-vascular plants are Riccia and Ricciocarpus (both liverworts) and the moss spesies Sphagnum, Dichelyma, Hygrohypnum, and Fontinalis.

    Most microscopic organisms (or some it it would help to have a microscope to see, because although they're visible to the naked eye, they don't look like much more than a speck or thin strand unless they're under magnification) would be algaes, but although thee use photosynthesis, they aren't considered true plants.

    Some names you might look up here are Volvox, Chlorella, Spirogyra, Cladophera, Chlosterium, Pediastrum, Netrium, Scenedesmus, Ankistrodesmus, Staurastrum, Micrasterias, Xantidium, Hydrodictyon, Draparnaldia, Mougeotia and Zygnema

    Along with those, you can also look up cyanobacteria, which are photosynthetic bacteria and diatoms which are photosynthetic, but don't have a green chloroplast.

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