
What are 10 significant events that have taken place on this exact date in history?

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What are 10 significant events that have taken place on this exact date in history?




  1. See the whole list below.

  2. 1. Ice Cream was invented!

    2. Machu Picchu was discovered. (1911)

    3. Vanessa Williams (former Miss America) resigned. First resignation in pageant history. (1984)

    4. Former president, Ulysses S. Grant dies. (1885)

    5. US women take home the gymnastics gold (1996)

    6. The first Ford model was delivered to buyer. (1903)

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  3. 1) 1829 - Typewriter Patented.

    2) 1885 - U.S. Grant Died

    3) 1886 - 1st person to jump off Brooklyn Bridge

    4) 1904 Ice Cream cone introduced

    5)1972 - Satellite launched showing Amazon mischarted

    6) 1984 Vanessa Williams stripped Miss America crown for posing nude

    7) 1961 - Woody Harrelson born

    8) 1827 - 1st US Swimming school opened.

    9) 1843 -Henry David Thoreau arrested for refusing to pay poll tax

    10)1982 -Helicopter accident on Twilight Zone set.

  4. 1829 William Burt patented a forerunner of the typewriter.

    1885 Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the United States, died at Mount McGregor, N.Y., at age 63.

    1914 Austria and Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, precipitating World War I.

    1945 Vichy government leader Marshal Henri Petain went on trial for treason.

    1952 Revolution erupted in Egypt as the military took power in a bloodless coup. The following year the monarchy was abolished and, for the first time since the pharaohs, Egypt was again ruled by Egyptians.

    1967 Rioting that claimed some 43 lives erupted in Detroit.

    1984 Vanessa Williams became the first Miss America to resign her title, because of nude photographs published in Penthouse magazine.

    1986 Britain's Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson at Westminster Abbey in London. (The couple divorced in 1996.)

    1995 The Hale-Bopp comet was discovered by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp.

    1997 Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic was sworn in as president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

    1997 Police found the body of Andrew Cunanan, the suspected killer of designer Gianni Versace and others, on a houseboat in Miami Beach, Fla., an apparent suicide.

    2000 Tiger Woods became the youngest golfer to complete a career Grand Slam when he won the British Open at age 24.

    2001 Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Eudora Welty died in Jackson, Miss., at age 92.

    2003 Massachusetts' attorney general issued a report saying clergy members and others in the Boston Archdiocese probably sexually abused more than 1,000 people over six decades.

    A more extensive list can be found here:

    and here

  5. Nothing??


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