
What are 12 things you are willing to do to make the enviorment a better place for future children?

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What ae 12 things you are willing to do in the near future so that the enviorment can be a better place for future children?




  1. do you need some one to do your homework assignment

  2. 1. stop breeding more than two children.

    2. recycle: bottles, cans and paper.

    3. use multi use bags at all stores.

    4. VOTE for responsible politicians and parties.

    5. Raise h**l at a local level about recycling.

    6. Composte your vegetative waste

    7. NEUTER or SPAY your pets.

    9. renew your commitment to society in general.

    10. have a certified arborist look at and work on your trees

    11. plant flowers

    12. plant edible plants and treat them as organically as possible.

  3. 1. no cars

    2. no trucks

    3. no tractors

    4. no buses

    5. no motorcycles

    6. no motor boats

    7. no airplanes

    8. no machinery's

    9. no hippies

    10. no oil

    11. no fire

    12. no coal

  4. 1. Be vigilent about recycling everything and anything

    2. Shop in thrift stores before buying new

    3. Composte

    4. buy a hybrid

    5. walk whenever possible / bike etc

    6. buy from local farmers / local produce

    7. no more buying plastic water bottles

    8. plant a tree

    9. support wildlife organizations

    10. make your house as energy efficient as possbile

    11. cut down water usage

    12. Educate your children on these issues so they can pick up where we leave off.

  5. 1) Plant a Tree

    2) Electric Lawn Equipment

    3) Hybrid Car,Truck or SUV

    4) Vote for mandates on higher EPA standards for factories that are producing heavy carbon footprints

    5) Fill gas tank after dark

    6)Recycle more

    7)Use energy efficient bulbs

    8)Ride a bike, walk, or car pool

    9)Be responsible pet owner and spay or neuter pets

    10)Practice Catch and Release when fishing

    11) Protect Endangered animals

    12)Be Proactive in issues reguarding the planet

  6. Everything mentioned on this website link below. Its only 10, but hey, its a start.  I found another link that lists 100 ways to improve the environment, but its in PDF file mode, and I didn't want you to download the file to read that link, and take up valuable space on your hard drive.

  7. Well, first priority is to have a lot of children!  

    Without them, what is the point??  

    So, to answer your question, have 12 children.  That adds 12 people to add to and enjoy the joy of the earth!!

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