
What are 2 exhaustible sources of energy?

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  1. Oil and coal.

  2. Pretty sure the sun wont burn out while we are still here nightwind, and even though nuclear can power us for a long time it doesn't mean it isn't an exhaustible source of energy seeing as how we mine uranium. Also chemical processes break it down in the ground. Yea oil, coal, natural gas, (fossil fuels)

  3. Funny how everyone says fossil fuels or nuclear, too bad this thing is open to opinions and not science. Nuclear is not exhaustible, unless you want to talk millineums down the road since one core would provide energy for quite a few decades down the road, and there's always ways to change the plant parameter's to squeeze extra power. Also, we have breeder reactors now days try...but not even a good one.

    As for Fossil fuels, like everything else, no body know's. I doubt most people even know what a million barrels of oil look like, yet that's what is pumped out of the ground all over the world in many places. So who here on Planet Earth professes themselves to know anything about what lies under the earth. Oil companies scount and have fansy equipment to find reserves under the crust, what do you speculators have ? Nothing....I thought not. So until we get to that last barrel or oil or that last chunk of Coal, it isn't exhaustible as yet. Its only assumed that since it takes a long time to produce the stuff, so we suspect that we will use it up....eventually.

    You might think Solar energy is exhaustible, for without the Sun, there is no solar energy. We've had decreased sun spot activity in 2007, who know's what that really means or where it will go. But should the sun just "go out" some day, or burn  itself out, who know's.

    Point is, as a human, on earth, with our limited knowledge and experience, we can be sure of nothing.

  4. coal and oil

  5. Fossil Fuels and Nuclear energy.

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