
What are 3 ex: of an isotope?

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What are 3 ex: of an isotope?




  1. p://

    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

  2. I'm going to use the "teach a man to fish" concept.

    So rather than giving you a fish, consisting of three examples of isotopes, I'm going to show you where they are biting.

    My favorite online periodic table is

    Click on the "isotopes" tab.  Then click on any element.  Several more boxes will open, each giving the atomic mass of that isotope.  The line around the box is color-keyed to whether the isotope is stable or by what means that it decays.  There is also a section above the table giving much more information about the isotope on which you have clicked.  

    Try it. Iit's always in a tab on my browser.


  3. carbon 12, 13, and 14, which account for 98.89%, about 1.1%, and 0.0000000001% of carbon (in air), respectively.

    (C-14 is radiactive but long-lasting, with half life over five thousand years)

    Nitrogen 13, 14, and 15. (N-13 is radioactive and degrades fast, half life of 10 minutes).

    Sulfur has 18 different isotopes

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