
What are 3 factors for low voter turnout in America. How can this be reversed and encouraged.?

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How does low voter turnout bias elections based on who participates and who deosnt




  1. America has drowned in debt, around many times of their GDP! Neck deep in troubles on energy,gas, inflation,economy etc and added half of America now belongs to others namely the foreigners like Europeans, Arabians, Asians etc whose Capital is running the country, taking out hundreds of billions of dollars in profit! Now China is almost controlling a third of America on all counts including the politics!

    Added the whites are not majority in twenty states today and diluted by huge  immigrant population and the mix up has changed everything as whole devoid of NATIONALISM! In sum, there is no American unity to decide anything on any issue concerned with America!

    When the above things could be reversed then the voter turn out would be highest by faith in democracy by all!

  2. When I went to school CIVICS was required to graduate from High-school....The Republicans do not want this taught . Why? beats me. I think having an informed young populace made us stronger than we are now. A Democratic Society beats one like we have now with an uninformed and apathetic populace.

  3. 1)2000: Bush given the presidency by the electoral college He lost the popular vote.

    2)2004: Bush given the presidency by his brother and the courts

    3)Present: A Panamanian is allowed to run for president even though the US constitution does not allow him to be president! (John (Panama Jack) McCain was born in Panama).

    4) Present: Super delegates, refusal to allow certain states to have their votes counted, electoral college, etc.

    When the whole election system is overhauled and people can start to believe that their vote actually counts, you will then be able to encourage people to vote. We have to have a fair system where the government can not take away the peoples right to have their votes counted!

    Also give the people a choice! The 3 people running for president now is an election of who will s***w up the government the least!

  4. Fatalism is one reason. People feel that they are screwed no matter what.

    Poor choices-like now. Many can't get motivated by the likes of the three right now.

    Selfish lack of patriotism. "I'm too busy".

  5. It's not that people are too busy because voting is a fairly quick process. It's also not the lack of a good candidate. The problem is that many people don't care. Society is fairly uninformed; therefore, it would be pointless to vote. If I had no idea of anyone's politcal stances should I go pick someone at random? Probably not, it's not worth the effort.

    Also, people often feel that their vote won't matter because it's just one out of millions. However, if everyone had this attitude then no one would vote, so clearly it is dumb reasoning.

    Thirdly, people want my vote to be more influential so they don't vote; thus, allowing my vote to be a greater percentage of the total.

    It can be changed with greater emphasis on politics within the school systems.

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