
What are 3 important quotes from the book Buried Onions?

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  1. Eddie says, "The onion made us cry. Tears leapt from our eyelashes and stained our faces. Babies in strollers pinched up their faces and wailed for no reason. Perhaps as practice for the coming years" . The onion is a metaphor for racism, lack of opportunity, and the violent street culture, which combine to keep young men like Eddie in a perpetual cycle of despair.

    His head swivels, continuously on the look out for the enemies who could take his life at any moment and "spill [it] like soda on the black asphalt, spill [it] before you could touch your wound". In Fresno, friends can change into deadly enemies in an instant.

    He likens life in the ghetto to babies in strollers, "going back and forth, back and forth, getting nowhere" . Both his lack of education and his brown skin keep him from getting a steady or meaningful job outside the ghetto.  

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