
What are 3 main things in ur life that make you happy?

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What are 3 main things in ur life that make you happy?




  1. 1.  My dog

    2. Music

    3. Television

  2. music

    my friends

    and when people you randomly meet in the street smile at you. a smile can go a LONG way :D

    oh. and hugs. so cliched but they are the best thing ever. i actually need a hug now. for no really happy...i just feel ive not been hugged in a bit o_O

    i feel 'empty'





  3. 1.Friday



    edit:  ok really, who gave me a thumbs down for saying the weekend? GET a life!!

  4. My kids

    My paycheck

    My hubby

  5. My music


    My dog!  

  6. Family, Friends, and having perpose in Life  

  7. 1. s*x

    2. Drugs

    3. Rock 'n' Roll

    Ok, not really the drugs, how bout we replace that with money

  8. 1 - My guitars

    2 - My ukulele

    3 - My record/cd collection

  9. 1. my friends

    2. my boyfriend

    3. my weed

  10. family, music and music...

  11. Laughter



  12. 1. God

    2. Maddy

    3. Diet Coke

  13. 1. friends.

    2. fries.

    3. thoughts about the future.  

  14. 1. My boyfriend.

    2. My Art.

    3. My cat.

  15. 1. To be able to take up the responsibility on taking care of my mother and 2 elder sisters in future. They make me feel the worthiness of my existence.

    2. To be a successful person in life and get my family out of poverty.

    3. To be able to spend my time with my uncle.

    I am a g*y man, feminine and seem weak, thus been despised for not being manly and threaten their manhood. Although I'm a student, I learn to earn my own money by working as a part-timer and I have the courage to take up the responsibility to take care of people who need me and thus I think I am even stronger and manly than those guys who could not even afford to take care of anyone.  

  16. 1. my husband

    2. my friends

    3. music

  17. Family, friends, health

  18. 1.)  MUSIC!!!  <3

    2.)  People

    3.)  Myself

  19. My partner (we will have been together 17 years in January)

    Our baby (surrogacy is a wonderful thing)

    Being able to help others.

    Kindest thoughts,


  20. smokin pot, pullin my pud, & smokin pot !!! - I forget the 3rd thing !

  21. 1. Helping Others

    2. Music

    3. My Family

    edit: omg who gave me a thumbs down? -.- omg two....

  22. A good steak

    My friends


    My life's pitiful...

  23. Mine are quite simple really

    1) The special people in my life (parents, kids and husband)

    2) My two cats who are just amazing

    3) Justice, in just about any form

  24. My friends

    my guitar

    my computer

    and also my fiance Tara J love ya


  25. Music, music, music.

  26. my fiance

    my pets(puppy, dog, kitten, cats, and bunny)



    my ipod?

  27. 1.)  Humor  We're dead if we can't laugh at something.

    2.)  My friends.

    3.)  The fact that I'm above ground, and still breathing.  Makes me ecstatic to know that.

  28. Three main things... hmmm...

    1) The way she smiles and says my name

    2) Her beautiful eyes and the penetrating personality that's behind them

    3) Talking to her for hours and not even knowing how much time has gone by.... Holding her close to me... so I guess the three main things would really be:

    1) Falling in love with her for the first time

    2) Falling in love with her again and again afterwards

    3) Knowing that for the rest of my life i will continue to fall for her... over and over and over

  29. 1.) my friends

    2.) music

    3.) chocolate =]

  30. 1.  My daughter

    2.  My partner

    3.  Pay Day

  31. Straight s*x with women becuase im straight not g*y I also like watching female strippers, and I like watching males and feamles have s*x.

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