
What are 3 of your most favorite activities to do w/ your kids?

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In order. Be specific. Thanks!




  1. 1- I love doing crafts with them. I have a box with lots of junk, stickers, glitter etc that we all sit down and make whatever. I love seeing what their little minds come up with.

    2- Going on walks in the woods at my grandparent's farm. We always act like we are looking for dinosaurs, giant bugs, aliens it varies from walk to walk.

    3- Playing hide & seek. We could play this all day, they get so excited. I love how they hide & giggle the whole time & you know right where they are!

  2. My absolute favorite thing to do is to sit out on the porch swing with them and just talk. I have 4 and they can go on and on about nothing but I love to listen to them. They can tell the most intresting stories.  Second would be taking them out to the park. I really score some brownie points with that one. Of course they wear me down long before they start to get tired.

    Third would be just laying and the bed and watching a movie together. We like to make popcorn and climb into my bed and watch a Disney movie at least once a week.

    There are lots of things I like to do with my kids and I would never be able to name them all. Fortunately I am lucky enough to be a stay at home mom so I get to spend all the time I want with my kids. Even though I must admit that being with them 24/7 has its downsides too.LOL.

  3. Watching their faces light up when they learn something new (greatest thing ever!!)

    Reading to them just before bed

    Stomping in the rain puddles =)

  4. I will give you my favorite thing to do with each of my three children.

    My oldest daughter, Miranda, is 10.  She and I really enjoy doing arts and crafts projects together.

    My only son, Randy, is 8.  We do not have "a lot in common", but recently I started riding with him around our property-him on the dirt bike and myself on the go cart.  He thinks it is great, showing me new paths and such.  I am glad to have something to do with him that he enjoys.

    The baby is eleven months old, and she sleeps with me.  I enjoy that time, because she is so peaceful and sweet.  As she is falling asleep, I hum and sing lullabies and she enjoys it very much.  When she wakes up in the mornings, we "chat" and play before we get up.  I love that!

  5. my 2 daughters love to help me make dinner its their favorite activity to do and always feel so proud at the end of this task..

    they love to get dressed up if i am going out to a meeting or work they come in to me and pretend they are doing the same.( little girls and make up they love it)

    also, we love to sit on the sofa every saterday evening when we come home from shopping in town and watch a movie this is my favorite one as we cuddle up and have loads of fun .

  6. One of my favorites is doing messy projects. I'm a clean freak, so it's nice to let loose every so often.

    Next favorite is swimming. The kids love it and I love it.

    Another one is putting on plays. The kids enjoy getting into costume and pretending to be someone their not.  

  7. I love teaching them- sitting them down and going over the alphabet, prepositions, directions, animals, colors, shapes, etc., etc....

    Taking them to the park or swimming is fun.

    Swinging/spinning them 'round and 'round is addictive for everyone involved!

  8. With my 5 year old it is: Playing school. We will take turns being the teachers. It's funny to watch him say ok Mommy now write your name and the things that he does. Then there is taking him for bike rides just him and I. I walk and he rides his bike and talks to me. The third would have to be when we read at night together right before he goes to bed.

    With my 23 month old: He loves to do any activity at the table and is really into paint and play dough right now. Taking him to the park and watching him go down the big boy slide all by himself. Watching a movie with him on the couch.  

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