
What are 3 reasons that Shakespeare left Stratford for London?

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What are 3 reasons that Shakespeare left Stratford for London?




  1. So that he could become a big time writer ( the same reason girls leave small towns and go to hollywood), so that he could get away from his wife, and to seek fortune in London.

    EDIT: responding the post above me, since shakepear was a renaissance writer, he, just as most renaissance artists and classical figures, enjoyed s*x with both men and women.  Since the renaissance, just as the classical period, praised the "beauty" of the male figure, it is no surprise that many figures were bisexual, including shakespear, julius casear, da vinci, just to name a few.  So I doubt he moved to london for hot chicks, although I have no doubt in my mind that you were kidding.

  2. Probably to seek fame and fortune in London where, as everybody knows, the streets are paved with gold!  We'll never really know.  I don't think it was to escape his family, as he bought a very nice house in Stratford when he could afford it.  There was security for him in his home town, so there must have been a serious reason for him to leave.  His father had fallen on hard times, so he really might have gone to seek work.  It may have been as simple as a feeling of strong vocation.

    Most people tended to stay in the village they were born during the Elizabethan era - travelling was difficult, a license was required to travel (this helped to stop beggars moving from one village to the next, and help contain the plague).

    Acting Troupes were known to have played in Stratford. Shakespeare's father would have needed to issue these troupes with a license to enable them to perform. So Shakespeare would have known some of these actors.

    There is speculation that William might have offended Sir Richard Lucy by poaching a deer on his grounds and had to leave Stratford to avoid prosecution ( No documented evidence supports this theory).

    There is a lot we don't know about Shakespeare, but do have a look at the links for more information.

  3. No idea sorry. Maybe if you posted this in books, they might be able to help you. This section is for questions relating to royalty

  4. 1) London had better booze

    2) London had hotter chicks

    3) London had better drugs

    To the guy who answered below you are a genius...thank you professor! BiSexual means chicks and guys by the way so he COULD have gone to London to find better now you know what bisexual is.

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