
What are 3 things you're saving when you recycle?

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What are 3 things you're saving when you recycle?




  1. Time, money, and the environment!

  2. trees, lives, money

  3. When you recylce you do not pollute, whatever you recycled can be reused therfore saving money and resourses for somthing else. And don't forget all of those animals you are helping: doliphins, and ducks that get stuck in our garbage, and other countless animals.

  4. The environment, your community, and you are also helping to stop global warming so you are also saving polar bears.


  5. plastic,glass,aluminum

  6. GAS, money, the PLANET

    ps it's the ONLY one we have

  7. money , energy, and water

  8. 1) Resources (trees, oil, etc.), 2) energy (electricity to make the product), therefore reducing greenhouse gasses from power plants, and 3) you are also reducing chemicals going into the environement from producing another product from scratch.

  9. eviorment lives money

  10. enviroment



  11. You save the planet earth.

    You save money.

    You save our health.

  12. environment, the earth, air

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