
What are 'net rules' and a 'serving ace' in Volleyball?

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What are 'net rules' and a 'serving ace' in Volleyball?




  1. you can never touch the net with any part of your body, but the ball can be in it as much as you want, and you can't go over or under the net into the other team's side. an ace is when you serve the ball and no one touches it on the other side or they shank it.

  2. serving ace is were the ball hits the ground with no one toucing it and Let rules are where the ball hits the net that  person can still hit it over.

  3. On a serve the ball can hit the net and go over and the ball is alive.  Its an ace if no one touches it before it hits the ground.  I'm not sure how the stats work in international play but it is possible that it could be an ace if it only touches one person.  You would have to check each association on their rules.

  4. A serving ace is when the server gets the ball over the net with such force that it can not be returned nor touched by the other team.

    Net rules are pretty simple. You may not step under the net nor fall into it. When blocking a return..your hands must stay on your side of the net. Same goes when Spiking. But the cool thing is that a server can skim the net on the serve and it is legal!

  5. Ace is when you serve and it hits the ground without anybody touching it.  Often, people will call ace when someone serves it and only one person touches it before it hits the ground, but that isn't really what it is.  Net rules, depending on what you mean.  If you hit the net and it goes over, its good.  If you hit a ball onto the net, and then you touch it, its bad.  If you go up for a spike and someone blocks it and it comes back to you, you can touch it.  What else? I am not exactly sure what you mean, so I am going to say all Net rules I know.   If you get more then half of your foot over onto the other teams side, it is their ball.  You can't run into the net.  When you give the team the ball, you can't throw the ball over the net.   Hmm..If you have any questions ask, I am not sure if I answered what you wanted to know.

  6. Indoor: You can't touch the net or have any complete body part touch the floor on the other side of the centerline under the net (eg. part of your foot can go over the centerline, but your entire foot cannot touch the other side of the centerline). A serving ace is when you serve the ball in and the person you served it to doesn't touch it, or cannot control it enough to make the ball playable by another teammate (shanks off their arms). A "let serve" is legal indoors and happens when a serve hits the top of the net and goes over, often resulting in an ace.

    Outdoors: You may not touch the net, but can go under the net as long as you do not interfere with the players on the other side. A serving ace is the same as indoors, but most outdoor play does not allow the "let serve", if the serve hits the net it is automatically a dead ball, and the recieving team gets the sideout.

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