
What are 4-5 ways climate influences peoples activities in TORONTO ONTARIO?

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What are 4-5 ways climate influences peoples activities in TORONTO ONTARIO?




  1. Well I am a resident of Toronto, and for me I look atit this way,as I ride the TTC is it hot or cold, wet or windy, I can see the buses from my apartment building so If I am in a hurry and it is a good or bad day I know when to go for the bus, I ride it to the Dovercourt Subway Station, and with the previous patrs of my answer do I decide to come above ground or stay inside, it has alot to do to what I am going out for, grocerys, laundry (we have only 6 machines), just for a stroll or other business, I use my bank card and carry no cash, so the bank is not a place for me to be, I often just go to the ethnic areas to have coffee with friends, the markets for produce or spices.

    So for me


    2. Precipitation

    3. Wind or Snow in winter

    4. Sun or Rain

    5. Slush or 5 foot snow banks

  2. Whatever we do, we wear warmer clothes in the winter.  More likely to carpool or take public transit when there is a snowstorm. Eat lunch outside in the summer.

  3. When it gets cold, people play hockey.  When it gets warm, they play ball hockey.  NUFF SAID!

  4. For me,

    Rain - take subway instead of walk, and only go out if i have too, cause i hate walking even to the subway in the rain

    Snow - subway instead of walking, but i'll still go out in the snow.

    Humidity - take things slower, dont have ac at my apartment, so i usually end up at the mall, out somewhere that does have it

    thunderstorms - i sit in my apartment and watch the cn tower, i live about 4 blocks north of it, and on the 18th floor have a great view of the tower, fun to watch the storms.

    Nice days - LOVE to walk around, up and down yonge/bloor/queen everywhere!

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