
What are 5 aspects of viking life that we would consider modern

by  |  earlier

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yeah im doing a project on vikings, and i need help,firstly i dont even know what the question is asking me to do !!!




  1. International business, wife swapping (yes, wife swapping; the Vikings were the ones who started the whole "swingers" thing), their government (the house of representatives is modeled after the danegeld, and the algonqin tribal council), warfare for profit; as the Vikings warred on other European countries, businesses at home prospered from goods the pirates had to trade, and finally (drum roll) hostility towards christianity, which is a pretty modern phenomenon.

  2. rape, pillage, plunder, loot and eating massive meals.

    you DID say modern.

  3. Boats, War, Greed, Anger and weaponry.

  4. First off vikings NEVER wore horns. So please dont depict them as such. And they are NOT Vikings, they are Northmen. The term viking was an action (vik)(raiding) not a people. 1)They were very prolific masters of the sea. Their longboats (knorr) were uniquely shallow drafted so could go up rivers with ease which aided in raiding and hunting. They also discovered Iceland, Greenland and North America.(500 years before C. Columbus)  2)Their Allthing was a place where everyone in the clan could speak their peace and be heard as well as where major business was tended to. Clan law was laid down here as well. This is very similar to our modern day government system. The country of Iceland still uses this form of government to this day. 3)They were excellent merchants and business folk. Some of the findings at Sutton Hoo were made as far away as  Egypt, Rome and Russia. There have been Norse wares found in Mideast and north africa as well.4)They were excellent warriors. They scouted their targets and attacked in similar fashion to the way our Marines attack today. They were feared for thier use of axes and used a shield wall similar to the Roman/Greek phalanx. Thier huscarls and berserks were terrors on any battlefield. 5)They were organized farmers/ranchers. Some of their steads can still be found today in England, Norway and even Newfoundland. Search the web for the best info. I find that the best info comes from Regia Anglorum. Although this site is mainly Anglo-Saxon there is a ton of info about the Northmen as well as many links to other Viking sites.

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