
What are 5 easy things most people can do to help the enviroment in their daily lives?

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What are 5 easy things most people can do to help the enviroment in their daily lives?




  1. Walk/Cycle rather than drive

    Turn lights off when not needed

    Stop using plastic bags

    Don't have the heating up so high


  2. Good question!!

    Pull the plug on chargers that are not actively charging something, unplus any electronic device that has an "instant on", turn off all lights that aren't being used, get a thermostat that turns down the heat at night and when you're not at home, and walk bike or take the bus to work.


  3. 1. Recycle as much as your space allows (a designated can or bucket for each recycled container)

    2. Create a rain collector, which could be a lg bucket placed under the major crevices of your homes roof. It is super easy to drill a hole at the bottom (large enough to insert the end of a ball valve, this allows you to turn off the water and retain what is collected in the barrel. Then s***w on an old hose to the other end, don't forget to seal the edges of the valve in the barrel with a water proof chalking. Now you can use the rain water for all over. And less ground water usage.

    3. Find an old plastic bucket with lid (keep in shade) drill a few holes on the sides. Now tear up strips of some old news paper; find or buy a few compose worms; add the kitchen compose (no meat products) and wait. Occasionally turning helps compose faster, no waste in the trash and lots of excellent soil for your garden.

    4. In Winter keep  curtains open for the sun to warm the interior of home and in Summer keep the curtains closed to maintain the the home coolness. Set thermostat at 69 in Winter and 80 in Summer and there should be a significant $ change in the months billing.

    5. Plant as much as you can, install drip drip systems where you can. At least when we take away from our planet, we can also put something back.

  4. take shorter showers

    unplug chargers and other things that aren't being used

    Bringing your own bag when shopping saves plastic bags

    add one meatless meal per week

    commute to work with multiple people

  5. The second annual Earth Hour is This Saturday, March 29, 2008.  At 8 PM local time, major cities across the country will be voluntarily turning off the lights to take a stand and raise awareness.  This is a great opportunity for all to show the world that the time to think differently about our energy consumption is now!  Just that hour alone can make a huge difference.  Check out the details at, and pledge your support!

    Everyday you can do little things.  For example: If you work or live in a high rise building, take the stairs instead of the elevator.  You'll burn more energy (calories) from your body and consume less of it from the planet- it's a win win!

    Walk to the store, ride a bicycle.  The key is making changes in your lifestyle, not just one or two specific events.  That is true awareness.

    Good Luck!

  6. turn off lights, recycle, shorter showers, reusable shopping bags, plant a seed. Oh, and pass on ideas and tips.

  7. turn off the lights , recycle , dont leave things on stand by ,

    try to but foods which dont have much pacaging, wind the window down in the car instead of using airconditioning!

    sorry is there are spelling errors :s

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