
What are 5 most difficult decisions that teacher's have to make in a week?

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what are 5 most difficult decisions that teacher's have to make in a week? What makes them difficult? What was the impact of those decisions on the classroom environment? Were the decisions effective?




  1. 1.  Wine or beer tonight?

    After that decision's made, all others are cake.

  2. Wow, this is a good question! (It sounds like a homework assignment, but it is still a great question to think about.)

    Teachers make so many decisions every single day, so it's difficult to narrow it down to which are the most important, but I will try.

    1. They have to decide how they will teach the concepts, ideas and facts in their curriculum. There are always several ways they could teach any particular thing, and in deciding this, they must take into consideration time factors, student abilities and interests, their own abilities and interests, and materials at hand.

    2. They have to decide how they will evaluate whatever they have asked the students to do. They try to be fair, and distribute marks evenly. Some things will be not be marked, but are for practice. Other things will me marked, but it will not count for much.

    3. They have to decide how much "guff" they will allow from the students, and what consequences they will hand out. They also have to decide when and if they will call in administration, and when to handle it themselves.

    4. They have to decide if they will call parents or not, and what they will say to the parents, if they do.

    5. They have to decide every day which of the dozens of different little tasks they will do for that day, and which they will leave for the next day.

    I hope that helps!

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