
What are 8th graders personalities?

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I have taught elementary school for 17 years and will be teaching 8th graders in Junior High in 4 weeks...What will it be like?




  1. omg im in 8th!!!

    u have 2 be really strict

    if u wanna hear a horror story about it, theres this rly nice teacher in 6th grade and since hes such a strict guy, the now call him,"Mr. g*y Humper"

    i dont mean 2 offend any1,  im just saying wat they call him.

  2. My experience in 8th grade.... If it's an honor's class, they'll be a little more mature and hardworking. However, in the regular classes, you may have to be tougher and strict. Some 8th graders have the guts to spit gum at the teacher and act uncivilized and are proud to make the teachers cry. Anyways good luck

  3. 8th graders are not as bad as elementary kids.

    i just graduated from 8th grade && its the best yr ever!

    it actually depends on your class,

    i had all honors classes,,

    so students are not as freaky and wild as the regular kids.

    they're more mature and really smart

    regular kids usually talks back sometimes.

    dont be really strict, but not too nice.

    make jokes here and there.

    be a cool teacher!! trust me.

    dat doesnt mean you have to act all gangster,

    but loosen up.

    not like teachers that are too strict.

    dont worry.

    you'll fall in love with your students.

    i dont mean in a bad way :)

  4. Middle School Kids are funny:  They want to be given independence, they want to make choice, they want to be treated like adults.  Then when they have the freedom to "fail or succeed " on their own... they want to claim, "but we are just kids!!"

    I have taught middle school the last 9 years of 15 years teaching--- the students like to know what is expected of them, they want flexibility to think "outside the box", they want to be connected to the group and not to be embarrassed.  They don't like to be singled out for discipline issues or for success either.  (If you want to make  positive example, greet the student outside of class first tell them individually what an awesome job they did, and then ask if you can share this with the class.)

    One thing i love about middle schoolers is they have a great sense of humor and will try to find it in everything.

    One thing my students loved to do was correct me.  (You know adults don't know anything anyway)  So sometimes i intentionally make mistakes for them to correct me, and then say something like, "you know... you found my mistake and didn't make me feel stupid... thanks"

    or if they don't find it, i might walk to the back of the room and look at notes, or math problems and say ... wait!!  I think i had a blonde moment, can anyone/ someone correct that."  SOmetimes i had unintentional blonde moments and they would ask if i meant to do that... (duh of course i did!!)

    They need a lot of the same things elementary students do:  Routine, guidelines, expectations, encouragement, and connection to you and the other students. They just need it in different ways.

    Some will make good choices and some not so good.  You really can't generalize them because the range in middle school is INCREDIBLE, even in one grade level.

    So... now that I have said a lot, but told you nothing you already didn't know... Enjoy them they have a lot to offer. Appreciate the oppurtunity for a change or challenge. 4 weeks isn't very long! Hopefully you will have a great "HONEYMOON" period with them.

  5. some are nice, some arent and like to fight with the teacher.  and some like to disrupt class.  and girls and boys like eachother at this point haha, so watch out for those who try and u no...get sexual

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