
What are AFL players wearing under their jerseys lately?

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What are most players wearing on their backs these days particularly at training and I see Dale Thomas wear week in, week out when playing? There's currently a picture on Yahoo's AFL home with the West Coast Eagles at training and you can see Cousins and I think it's Hunter wearing them. It's got straps come under the armpits and a pocket between the shoulder blades. Is there a GPS or something in it?




  1. who cares AFL is a sissies game. play rugby or rugby league... the only soft contact sport that matters is football(soccer)

    ps dont brake a nail.

  2. GPS

  3. Some players have been wearing tracking devices under their guernsey's for a year or two now.  Basically it keeps track of how much running they doing during a game, they sometimes also monitor things such as heart rate, body temp etc.

  4. .....if its such a sissies game then y arent u playin it then joel82au?

  5. dale thomas is probably wearing one of those tracking devices to find out how far elite afl players run (shane crawford tracked 20kms) as for cousins and hunter they could be wearing a ice vest due for the hot weather in west coast

  6. Actually I think they are Ice vests, very popular when they play in the Territory and sometimes in Queensland. The Lions wear these vests quite often.

  7. Yeah its a GPS which tracks how far they run in a match, and also how long they spend jogging, walking, and running. Endurance, and effort basically.

    Its part of a clubs Key Performance Indicators

  8. the thing cousins had on was to hide his stash

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