
What are ALL the risk of having the Lasik Surgery?

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Im planning to have lasik surgery next month. can anyone state all the risks after surgery or after several years have passed? by the way, im planning to get it done in Lasik Vision Institute in Houston.




  1. Normally, LASIK is safe, but you may experience mild blurry vision within the first week.  After that, you should see more clearly, but some complication do occur.  Its best to consult an opthamalogist or just wiki it for full details.  Sorry I couldnt give more.

  2. Some people have complained of dry eye, pain, blurry vision or have not been able to drive at night because of problems with glare.

    There's a risk, it's very small and so I would shop around for a good doctor. More than 6 million people have had it done, but their are a small number that say their vision was affected.

    The FDA is currently reviewing lasik because it has received some 140 complaints from people who say they have eye pain and other problems that never went away.

  3. The doctor may hold the lazer on your eye ball for a little longer than what is needed and burn a hole right into your iris.

  4. I do not know every single conceivable risk. However, I do know that some patients experience life long and horrific pain from dry eye that results from lasik.

    Read that. I will highlight a portion of her story:  '

    I have extreme LASIK-induced dry eyes. I wear air-tight goggles in my house, in my car and outside. I avoid public places, and shy away from social gatherings. The moving air of shopping malls and grocery stores intensifies my constantly burning eyes. I am terribly sensitive to sunlight, even with tinted goggles. Dry eye pain and burning wake me in the middle of every single night. I can no longer read or watch TV for pleasure.'

    Countless people have her story to tell, and it's more and more people every day. It's painful and it's awkward and it consumes every last minute of your life, and the only person you can blame is yourself because it's an elective surgery.

    Just don't do it. Getting rid of glasses or contacts is not worth that risk that you'll end up in pain for the rest of your life.

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