
What are Argentine guys like!?

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I am in love with Argentinian guys and am going on an exchange to Buenos Aires in January. I've heard that guys are really pushy and a girl is supposed to say no many times before she lets anything happen. This might sound weird but I am dying to find an Argentinan boyfriend while I am there ahaha.. Can anyone offer me advice to improve my chances of making this happen!?




  1. We tend to be a bit pushy, but it is worth it!!!

    we are latinos! you must dress to impress!! the odds of not finding a great lover just for you here are nil!

    stay away from the "cumbieros" and you should try "rugbiers" first. im here waiting for you!!

  2. I married to an argentine boy, I'm from texas and 20 yrs old

    Generally not pushy, everyone I've met is sweet and so much fun to be around. I know in some clubs, the guys get to know other girls by kissing them. If the girl pushes them away, they know that they dont have a chance or something like that-and if they kiss back, then they'll strike up a conversation- haha so strange!

    like I said, I've met some really nice guys- but I'm sure in every culture there is the exception.

    Just depends on who you meet :-)

    Hope that helps, and good luck on snagging yourself some of the best guys that south america can offer

  3. of course! honey you speak spanish/ IN ARGENTINA THE LENGUAJE COULD BE A LITTLE DIFICULT BUT i think the argentinian biys are very expresul, demostrated, im a man i m 27 tears old, im white my parents are italian i right now i live in Buenos Aires, i got brothers and sisters thay are living in New York Long Island East Hampton If you want we can be only friends or somthing else..... I can help ypu mi mail is     enyou your tripe

  4. They ar fun but the stereotype is that they can "talk" a lot and not relly mean it.

    I'm not spelling it right but the word is "chumallo" or something like that..

    .so watch out for the smoothtalkers...i ws naive and met one when i first arrived there...he was a complete liar...

    In the town i lived the province of many men were cheating on their seemed a common thing in this town...i ws shocked..i know it happens everywhere,,but they seemed to be proud of it.

    You'll have fun...jsut keep your boundaries up...and don't rush into anything....

  5. In my experience, the guys in the clubs tend to be the pushiest. Usually they will ask you for a kiss, as kissing on the first date/PDA is not a big deal. If you say no to them, they will try really hard to convince you to say yes. The "i have a boyfriend" line does not work, tried it and it has failed several times.  However, clubs are also the best and FASTEST way to find boyfriends as this is when guys are normally the most confident and will be asking for your phone number. If they do not call you within 5 days they are probably never going to call you back. Beware, if they ask you to go back to their apartment and you agree it means they think you want s*x. This isn't true in all cases of course.

    Another advice, while walking on the street, hearing whistles and comments is a common occurance so don't take it offensively. Take it as a compliment

  6. ok i haveee to agree with u that i Loveeee Argentinians guys too.

    they r just sooooo hott and soo cutee. lmao. if u wanna find a bf over there and  to meet guys.. u have to go to clubs. meet people over there start talking to em. i have to say that...  u will loveee it. lol. itz great there is no place like Argentina.

    i hope u will like itt!

  7. Well, Argentinian guys are s**y, great accent, but very very just be careful, I hate to generalize but I used to date Argentinean men and they LIE a lot....wouldn't trust them but hey if you want to experience go 4 it! just don't get attached and believe only 10% of what they say!!! Good Luck! Enjoy your trip :)

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