
What are Black holes in simple english?

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Where do blackholes get their enormous pull power? What happens inside a black hole?




  1. They basically just suck in(due to gravity) anything that has mass (even light) that gets close enough..

  2. Black holes are the remnants of very massive stars. Mass causes gravity, and when gravity is strong enough it will draw and crush everything into its centre. While a massive star has fusion reaction going inside it, it keeps the star from collapsing onto itself. But when the star runs out of fuel for fusion, it can no longer support itself and collapses into itself, creating a black hole.

    Black hole's gravitational pull is so strong that even light can't escape it - hence the name.

  3.   If a black hole could exist,it would be a 2 solar mass sphere about 3 km in diameter whose surface gravity was such that the surface escape velocity would be greater than the speed of light

      Since no radiation could escape it would be invisible.

  4. A cosmic object with a gravitational pull so strong, nothing can escape it once it enters the event horizon!

    The singularity, the center of a black hole is what makes it so powerful!

  5. Black holes basically come from a star that explodes. Now you gotta understand, stars are huge. Our sun is a star which is 109 times bigger than the earth, but the sun is one of the smaller stars. Things that huge and bright have to contain a ton of energy. So when stars get really old they basically die, sometimes in a huge explosion, which can turn into a black hole. A black hole is basically a big mass of energy that even light can not escape the pull of.  

  6. A black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even light.nothing special everything gets destroyed due to gravitational pull.................

  7. Black holes are the evolutionary endpoints of stars at least 10 to 15 times as massive as the Sun. If a star that massive or larger undergoes a supernova explosion, it may leave behind a fairly massive burned out stellar remnant. With no outward forces to oppose gravitational forces, the remnant will collapse in on itself. The star eventually collapses to the point of zero volume and infinite density, creating what is known as a " singularity ". As the density increases, the path of light rays emitted from the star are bent and eventually wrapped irrevocably around the star. Any emitted photons are trapped into an orbit by the intense gravitational field; they will never leave it. Because no light escapes after the star reaches this infinite density, it is called a black hole.

    But contrary to popular myth, a black hole is not a cosmic vacuum cleaner. If our Sun was suddenly replaced with a black hole of the same mass, the earth's orbit around the Sun would be unchanged. (Of course the Earth's temperature would change, and there would be no solar wind or solar magnetic storms affecting us.) To be "sucked" into a black hole, one has to cross inside the Schwarzschild radius. At this radius, the escape speed is equal to the speed of light, and once light passes through, even it cannot escape.

    The Schwarzschild radius can be calculated using the equation for escape speed.

    vesc = (2GM/R)1/2

    For photons, or objects with no mass, we can substitute c (the speed of light) for Vesc and find the Schwarzschild radius, R, to be

    R = 2GM/c2

    If the Sun was replaced with a black hole that had the same mass as the Sun, the Schwarzschild radius would be 3 km (compared to the Sun's radius of nearly 700,000 km). Hence the Earth would have to get very close to get sucked into a black hole at the center of our solar system.


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  9. a black hole is a super massive died star and all of its mass is concentrated in a single point which gives a black hole its enormous pull power. simply its a hole which is not visible to anybody except ALLAH.

  10. Metaphorically: A funnel in space. A sink with the drain open and water flowing into the drain.

    The scale of mass is so large that this 'flow' is pulling all things in with it, including light.

    Matter converted to energy through intense gravity, but also because there is extreme vibration at the heart of the singularity. This extreme vibration converts matter into energy.

  11. But even black holes don't last forever.  They evaporate all the time, and if there's no material to feed them they'll eventually evaporate away in a final flash of gamma rays.

    The latest number I've seen, all black holes will be gone within 10 x 10 to the 106th power years from today.  That's 10,000 times a googol years from now.  At that time they'll be so little field interference in the Higgs' Field that new baby universes might have a chance to spontaneously emerge and persist.

    Our infant universe might have gotten started like this 13.72 billion years ago within our very very old parent universe.  It's a current speculation.

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