
What are Boarding schools?

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And their affect on students?




  1. Boarding school is a type of school that u sleep in and stuff.

    There is a room called a dorm were you sleep and do homework!

  2. boarding schools are schools where the students, and often the staff also, live on campus. these are not state funded schools, and tuition needs to be paid and will generally cost more than regular private schools.

    some require uniforms and others do not.

    generally a school is either an all girls' school or an all boys' school

    the affect on the student really depends on the individual. when families can afford it some will send kids that have problems following the rules, to give them a more structured setting than public school, and some will do well.

    other students may not need as much structure.

  3. It means the kids live at the school. They don't spend enough time with their parents and there's not enough accountability.

  4. boarding school is where the students live there except on breaks and summer vacation. it gets them ready for college and they mature faster. its a good experience and a privilege. most graduates are successfull and all of them go to college

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