
What are Cap <span title="Guns.....................?">Guns........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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How and are they dangerous? This little girl who is 4 has a cap gun and I don't know really what it is




  1. It&#039;s a toy. Usually has either a paper strip or little plastic round thing filled with a powder that makes a popping noise when striked. No harm. I had a metal revolver one that used the paper strips but I broke it. Not dangerous. Why get so worked up?

    It&#039;s a toy. Grow a spine.

  2. Cap guns are noiser-makers, toys, period.  No reason why a 4-year-old shouldn&#039;t have one if her parents are okay with it.  You are probably nervous because you&#039;ve heard the term &#039;ball-n-cap revovler&#039; which are real but obsolete firearms.  A cap gun is not the same thing.


  3. what? are you the parent? I say mind your own business, nothing at all wrong with a kid playing with a cap gun.

    Maybe she uses it to scare gun ignorant pedophiles away.

    I was about to insinuate that is why you were scared away, however to actually do so would be to violate answers guidelines, so to be clear, I have no idea if you are a pedophile or not, hence I will refrain from branding you as one.


  4. They are just toys man. Their main purpose is to make a bang noise you would be able to clap louder then it.

    They make the bang noise to simulate a real gun, little kids have them when they play cops and robbers or cowboys and indians.

    The cap contains a very small amount of fiire cracker compound and when subjected to force like a hammer of toy pistol if goes bang, Harmless, no bullets come out and very cheap. Supermarkets sell&#039;em

  5. Cap guns fire a &quot;Cap&quot;

    A Cap is in the form of a paper roll of gunpowder and flint pouches.

    They are nothing more than a small version of the little paper poppers you buy the kids for the 4th.

    A second form of a cap is a small circle of plastic with the same powder and flint incased in the plastic.

    When the hammer strikes the cap the impact caused the flint particles to rub together and cause a spark. The spark then ignites the powder and you get a small bang.

    Are they dangerous?

    Yes and No

    I will start with the Yes part

    They do discharge small pieces of unspent powder and flint at a somewhat slow speed and could scratch an eye.

    They show young kids that its ok to play with guns.

    Now for the no part

    I use one to teach kids about firearm safety.

    I show them that just because its a toy you DO NOT point it at anything you do not want to kill.

    They are fun to play with, so long as the child understands that it is a cap gun and it is the only gun the child can touch.

    I also use them to teach horses to not be afraid of the bang as I do shoot off of horseback.

  6. Small charge of gunpowder, makes noise, no projectile. You can smell gunsmoke. I wont hurt anything but your ears if ya get it right up next to em. I had em when I was a kid, my kids have em now. They are just toys.

  7. It is a childs toy that uses caps to make a bang.  Totally harmless.

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