
What are Chile's man made features?

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What are Chile's man made features?




  1. what do u mean. like race? if so, the typical chilean male is short --less than 6ft, maybe about 5ft7. now, as u may know we were colonised by the spaniards and here they mixed up with the indians so u get a mix of that. their skin is darker but like keanu reeves, not like mexicans, and they dont look native indian on average but that doesnt mean u dont get much of that.

    the average chilean, like the one i described above is middle to lower class. yes, we here distinguish ourselves from our looks. the upper class looks more european in every sense. lighter, taller.

    i myself am 6ft, green/gray eyes, brown hair --whats left of it!!, tanned skin. even though im jewish i look italian.

    what else? on the psychological aspect, we are quite funny, always telling jokes, we like women a lot and have always a compliment at hand, we are good drinkers and we are religious and most, not me, are football fanatics --the real football not tht hybrid sissy rugby they play in the us!

    on a less brighter note, most upper class people are racist and classist myself included. lower class people are racist and classit too against "european" looking folks. we dont tolerate homos much, although that is changing. on the political / business scene u dont get the typical average chilean at all as the meritioracy here practically doesnt exist.

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