
What are China and Tibet fighting about, I dont understand?

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What are China and Tibet fighting about, I dont understand?




  1. for rice

    there fighting?

  2. I believe China took control of Tibet years ago. Their leader went into exile. Tibetans want their independence and their own religion and leader back.

  3. The Dalai Lama was ousted from Tibet by the Chinese and they want him back. I believe its all about independence etc.

  4. In a nutshell:

    Tibet wants independence and religious freedom.  It used to be independent until 1951 when the Chinese Communist party took control.  The Tibetan empire used to extend up to Mongolia.

    China views Tibet as part of China.

    This is the same situation as has happened in many other countries including Canada and the US and their control over the first nations people.  It is only on a larger scale.  With over 1.3 billion people in China, it is very hard to make everyone happy.

    The current riots have developed from protests against Chinese rule of Tibet.

  5. CHina claims it rules tibet but tibet wants independence

  6. TIbet is a Sovereign nation that was invaded by China and lives under a regime of oppression; the Chinese citizens living in Tibet are living there without the permission and against the will of the Tibetan people.

    Imagine if your own Country was invaded by China and Chinese  people moved in and took over your towns and Cities.

  7. Tibet is under Chinese occupation, so the people of Tibet

    are fighting for their freedom.

    suggest your read this.

  8. Tibet wants its own independence even though the Dalai Lama denies this. The current violent riots are planned and instigated by the Dalai Lama (exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan people) to put pressure on China in view of the August Beijing Olympics. An unspecified number of deaths have been reported. Bear in mind that it is the Tibetans who pursued violence to attract attention; injuring and causing the deaths of Chinese and ethnic h*i muslim minority. They also damaged and set fire to properties belonging to non Tibetans.  

    No country publicly accepts Tibet as an independent state in spite of several instances of government officials appealing to their superiors to do so. Treaties signed by Britain and Russia in the early years of the twentieth century and others signed by Nepal and India in the 1950s, recognized Tibet's political subordination to China. The Americans presented their view on 15 May 1943:

    “ For its part, the Government of the United States has borne in mind the fact that...the Chinese constitution lists Tibet among areas constituting the territory of the Republic of China. This Government has at no time raised a question regarding either of these claims. ”

    No sovereign states, including India, have extended recognition to the Tibetan Government-in-exile. This lack of legal recognition of independence has forced even some strong supporters of the refugees to admit that:

    “ ...even today international legal experts sympathetic to the Dalai Lama's cause find it difficult to argue that Tibet ever technically established its independence of the Chinese Empire, imperial, or republican.

    Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations."

  9. The gooks invaded Tibet!

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