
What are English Premier League's aim and objectives?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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English Premier League is known as the leading football league in the soccer world I wish to know English Premier League's aims and objectives?




  1. Manage, continually improve and be regarded as the world's best league football competition - on and off the field.Increase interest in our competitions, promote accessibility to live games and ensure that media exposure is used to optimum effect.Generate increased commercial value, using the resulting revenues to further enhance our competitions and strengthen the long-term future of the Premier League and its clubs.Use our power and influence responsibly to improve the game in this country and abroad through partnership with the FA, UEFA and other bodies.Create a quality of competition that provides a platform from which our member clubs can achieve unparalleled success in European or World competitions.Use our resources to develop playing talent that will provide for international success with the England team at all levels - with the status of World Champions being the realistic goal.

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