
What are European Colleges/Universities like?

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What are European Colleges/Universities like?




  1. you mean in Europe? well unless you havent seen it for yourself the oppinions of people will very because everyones college experience is different and is based on you PERSONALLY. Most people attend college and University to learn and get a higher education, so my assumption is that European colleges main goal is to make sure their students succeed as any college or university in the states expectations would be. If you fail to succeed and fail your classes they will kick you out! so as long as your smart and have a good head on your shoulders you should do well.

  2. I aint been Uni but colleges are as c**p as the schools didnt learn much but got in trouble more but you said Europe So other countries are better

  3. A diverse atmosphere and most of the universities have been there for centuries. so the architecture is lovely.

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