
What are European opinions of American geography?

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I was just wondering how familiar Europeans are with the individual states in American. As in, which specific states would you want to travel to and why?

European responses only please :)




  1. I think most Europeans have the basic knowledge of states in America. But i don't think many Europeans knows about differences in cultural things or laws between states. I've been in NY, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Next year I will visit the west coast, California and Nevada.

  2. I agree, I could name and place a dozen or so states (and have visited two of them when visting New York, and then California (different places).

    However if you were to ask me to name all the states and place then then I would would probably fail. Same for the different laws in the different states (but could American's actually state the differences in laws in all the states?)

    Of course you get to learn a lot from tv with all the American shows that are imported, and then from what I see, there is generally more US news events broadcast in Europe than vice versa (I for one am already sick to the back teeth of the lead-up to the Presidential election broadcast and it hasn't even taken place yet)

    If I had the money and time then I would definately love to explore more of the US than I have to date as the experience I had (especially in California) was brilliant.

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