
What are F1 hybrid seeds?

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What are F1 hybrid seeds?




  1. its there genetic classification

  2. In case you would like to know the source of this information, Nandita M ripped the first two sections of her answer straight from Wikipedia:

    and the last section straight from:

  3. F1  -  filial 1

                             the generation OR seeds which is the result  of cross between two distinctly different parent types plant is known as the first hybrid generation. this generation is also called

    FILIAL 1 progeny  or  F1 .

  4. F1 stands for Filial 1, the first filial generation seeds/plants or animal offspring resulting from a cross mating of distinctly different parental types.

    Crossing specific parent plants produces a hybrid seed (plant) by means of controlled pollination. To produce consistent F1 hybrids, the original cross must be repeated each season. As in the original cross, in plants this is usually done through controlled hand-pollination, and explains why F1 seeds can often be expensive. F1 hybrids can also occur naturally, a prime example being peppermint, which is not a species evolved by cladogenesis or gradual change from a single ancestor, but a sterile stereotyped hybrid of watermint and spearmint. Unable to produce seeds, it propagates through the vining spread of its own root system.

    Hybrid seeds are produced from naturally out-breeding crops, from which inbred lines are produced by repeated self-pollination. The established inbred lines are crossed to produce first generations (F1) hybrid seeds.

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