
What are Germans viewpoint on America and Americans?

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List some things that come to mind when Germans hear the word "America" or "Americans."




  1. Here are some things that come to mind:

    loud, obnoxious, likes big and fancy things, a dangerous place to live in, most are fat and overweight, ethnocentric point of view, the american way is the only way, cocky, likes to start touble, full of gangs/gangsters, crappy car makers, bullies nations for resources........

  2. annoying,think they are better,acts if everyone is lesser,wants to starts wars....etc.Americans are okay i guess but i personally don't like the country i only like them because they came up with Coca Cola!!!

  3. and not to forget ignorant

    This world is called EARTH (Terra) NOT US of A.

  4. War, bestial torture, fake reasons for war, killing thousands own people, most dangerous nation, New World Order,Patriot Act,corruption,schools must get improved(one of the most important points), many corpses,wars for oil,brainwashed population,extrem patriotism,unhealthy patriotism,Jesus Camps(for new leaders),minimal hope,money more worth than lifes(if lifes has any weight for them beside economical weight)

    over 300.000 innocents have been killed by the USA in the last war..brave troops..

    Soon in Iran you will create a new blood-bath, again with fake reasons.

    The plans are ready.Your administration is only waiting to find another reason

    but i might add that there are movements against it(especially Gi resistance) in the USA but it wont go without a fight and it will be hard...

    US military already trained fights in american cities

  5. Cowboys, horses, Harleys, Drive-ins, Big cars, Gas guzzlers, Bush, Rock'n Roll, Rich people.

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