
What are Huldah Gates ???

by Guest65541  |  earlier

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  1. Apparently they are the gates where the Prophetess Huldah used to sit and prophesy.

    Since she was a woman, it was not proper for her to receive men alone in her home (a Jewish woman, especially a married one, is not allowed to be alone with a man who is not related to her), and so she sat in a doorway and prophesied there.

  2. While I served on the Mount, I went down the "little El Aqsa" the continuation of these steps on the Mount, you see these steps start at Hulda Gates and lead all the way to the top of the mountain, they are there today.

    The Huldah Gates are the two sets of now-blocked gates in the south wall of the Temple Mount, which is also one of Jerusalem's Old City walls. The western set is a double arched gate (the double gate), and the eastern is a triple arched gate (the triple gate). Each arch of the double gate led into an aisle of a passageway leading from the gate into the Mount, and to steps leading to the Mount's surface; when the al-Aqsa Mosque was built, the old steps were blocked, and the eastern aisle lengthened so that new steps from its end would exit north of the Mosque. The triple gate is similar, though the longer aisle is to the west, and its third aisle, on the east, forms the western boundary of the vaulted area known as Solomon's Stables.

    Under the El Aqsa

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