
What are Italian men really like?

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Ok, I know its bad to generalize and that everybody is different but their are some characteristics that people in certain parts of the world tend to have in common. For example, go to Alabama and you'll hear "yes ma'am" and "no sir" every where you turn....I mean, not all do that but the majority.

Here is why I ask. I have heard several different things about Italian men and I don't have a clue if they are true because I've never met an Italian. I have heard that they can be controlling and definitley mama's boys. Then I heard that they are very sweet and know how to treat a lady. Now, you can't be controlling and know how to treat a lady at the same time can you? So, which one is true of most men?

Thank you for your answers!




  1. Italian-Americans are one thing - Italian men in Italy are quite different.  I spent a semester in Rome while I was in college a few years ago.  I would not say that the Italian men are "sweet" and "know how to treat a lady."  Instead they blatantly sexually harrass women in the streets, especially American tourist women.  They'll bark like dogs, yell things at you, whistle, make gestures, ask you to "fock" them, and sometimes even pinch you.  They really are shameless - I know a *nun* who still got pinched on the butt in Rome even though she was wearing a habit!  And they'll do this to you in the presence of their wives and/or girlfriends.    

    For the most part it's harmless - if you ignore them, they'll stop, leave you alone, and move onto someone else.  But if you pay them any attention, they'll take it as an invitation for even worse behavior.  Behavior on the part of women that in America would merely be seen as friendly can, in some parts of Italy, be taken as an invitation for s*x.  

    Italian men also like to wear their pants really, really, really tight - which many women, such as myself, don't care for.  It doesn't leave much to the imagination :-)  Their fashion sense is pretty comical - the 80s never ended in Italy.  It's not exactly s**y, just ridiculous.  And like many Europeans, the standards of bathing and hygiene are a bit different.  

    Also in Italy, they also like women to be really tiny and thin, like runway model thin.  An American size 6 and up is considered fat.  I was shocked to see so many women my age in Rome who looked like they had full blown anorexia (knees thicker than thighs, lollipop heads, visible rib cages).  One of my profs there, a native born Italian lady, said that eating disorders are rampant in Italy among women.  It's what the men want, and the culture is so male-dominated that women will do whatever it takes to look right.  It's sad because it's a recent problem too - look at Sophia Loren.  That was only 30, 40 yrs ago and she was hardly anorexic.  She was gorgeous!

  2. hehehe Sass B you are so sore it's not even funny.

    s*x harasment??? Give me a break.. I wonder if you ever see dead people too. I guess you are clueless about italian culture and wouldn't be able to tell an italian from a cat.

    I guess I saw my last "pinch" at a girl when I was 10yo in elementary school.. and I am from Napoli, non exactly the kingdom of politeness you see?

    You comment on italians liking VERY thin girls is laughable.. I mean, look at the actress popular here.. Sabrina Ferilli for one.. again, you are clueless.

    You see there is a difference between a ncie girl with nice shapes and an american overweight sore whale as you must be cconsidering all the non-sense you wrote.

    About higene... lol.. when the rest of the plane will catch up with the idea of "bide".. that is, a place where you wash ur *** after having a dump.. which comes as STANDARD in EVERY italian house.. THEN you might start talking about low standards in italy.

    Sorry but I had to reply to this loser... I dont have much to answe the original question since I am italian yes, but I am male too.. so I can't really say what we are like or we aren't like. In my experience italian men are regarded as "moody" or "passionate", 2 different way to call the same thing at the end of the day.

  3. Sass B, you don't have a clue...Are you really sure what you say happened to you???? You must be joking or something....

    Italian men might look intensely at you and maybe say something like "ciao bella" or "nice body"  when you walk past them but, as sexual arrasment goes, I received more in 5 years I spent in Canada than in the remaining 31 I spent here...Of course there are sexual crimes here as well, but that's what they are...crimes...

    It is true that most men think very highly of their mother and will pay attention to their opinion, but not to the point that they will let them rule their life.

    It is also true that, as far as love is concerned, they are much more "romantic" than Americans, and they try to court you a bit before asking you to go to bed with them, and not think that you will do it just because you had a couple of drinks with them.... of course they are not stupid so, if your body language is screaming "take me to bed now" they will ask you on a first date!

    As far as the control personal experience tells me that in Italy, with the few exception that are always there... it is more common for a woman to rule the house than for the man, who is quite often too busy with work to care too much about family matters (yes, women work too, but it is up to us to take care of the family, so we're stuck with two jobs...not me, because my husband helps me a lot with all house chores, but I must admit he is an exception).

    SUMMER!'s comment are rather racists as well... she must belong to Lega Nord, the Italian Party that wants Northern Italy to separate from the rest. I'm from the North myself and I can tell you that there is no such thing as a geographical division between Northern and Southern Italian men as far as education goes: you can find jerks  or real gentlemen in either case. You could say that Northern men are classier and Southern men more passionate, but that's as far as it far as Mama's boys, as I said before, the ones that let their mothers rule their life nowadays are rare...

  4. not my ex hubby. cant speak for all, but mine was physicaly and mentaly abusive.

  5. well im Italian and yes i know its hard to belive becuase of my avatar and its black and so am i but im half black anyway me being Italian i know how to treat a lady and im sweet and some are controling and mammas boys or they are a combnation of the 4 so they are pretty much all 4

  6. thats like asking whats a snow flake like, everyone is different, so are italians. and for that matter, germans , dutch, english, japanese and swahillis. you cant generalize people. it would be a lot easier if you could, but in life you have to judge each person on their own merit not on their ethnicity. and treat them as they deserve

  7. The Italian guys i know are total sweethearts.

  8. I'm an Italian girl..

    I can tell you that there are several kind of Italian boy: those from North are very friendly and knows how to treat a lady, they are lovely and never ridicoluous.. while those form the south are definitely mama's boys (and it's impossible to deal with a mum from the south!!!) and in general they treat you right just until they get what they want....


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