
What are Latin America's Mega cities?

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What are Latin America's Mega cities?




  1. Mega-cities are "cities that are expected to have populations of at least eight million inhabitants by the year 2000" (UNDIESA, 1986: iii). Like so many threshold figures used in the social sciences, this minimum size seems to have been plucked from the air. There is no theoretical basis for asserting that a city with eight million people is qualitatively different from one with rather fewer inhabitants. Perhaps for this reason different authorities use widely differing definitions of a mega-city. Although Richardson (1993) and UNDIESA and UNU (1991) use the eight million benchmark, UNCHS (1987: 29), Ward (199O: xvii), and the World Bank (1991: 16) use ten million, while Dogan and Kasarda (1988: 18) implicitly use four million.

  2. 1.- Ciudad de Mexico (24.618.919)

    2.- Sao Paulo (20.321.308)

    3.- Buenos Aires (14.004.502)

    4.-Rio de Janeiro (11.660.826)

    5.- Bogotá (8.527.938)

    6.- Lima (8.009.745)

    7.- Santiago de Chile (6.329.811)

    8.- Belo Horizonte (5.395.211)

    9.- Guadalajara:(4.997.825)

    10.- Caracas:(4.762.939 57)

  3. I think mexico city is the biggest with about 20 million, Rio has got to be up there also.

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