
What are Ligers and what are Tigons?

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What are Ligers and what are Tigons?




  1. liger:male lion and female tiger cub

    tigon:male tiger female lion cub  

  2. A LIGER is the off-spring of a MALE LION and a FEMALE TIGER.

    A TIGON is the off-spring of a MAIL TIGER and a FEMALE LION.

  3. They're hybrid babies produced by the loving antics of lions and tigers.

  4. Spoonerisms

  5. A liger is a hybrid offspring between a male lion and a female tiger.  A Tigon is a hybrid offspring between a female lion and a male tiger.

  6. A liger is the offspring of a male lion and female tiger, and a tigon is the offspring of a male tiger and female lion. Ligers tend towards gigantism and usually grow larger than their parents, whilst tigons are often smaller or at least no bigger than their parents. Like most hybrids, both ligers and tigons are nearly always sterile, but occasionally a female will be fertile and can be bred back to one of the parent species, producing:

    Liger + lion = li-liger

    Liger + tiger = ti-liger

    Tigon + lion = li-tigon

    Tigon + tiger = ti-tigon

    Here's an image of a liger:

    And a tigon:

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