
What are Lowest cost options to turn food waste to methane-looking to help poor farmers in the Philippines.?

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Our current plan is to do this on a small village scale from a composting area? Want to find low cost, low tech option village can afford/manage...




  1. You are wasting your time. You'd be much better off using the compost as fertilizer - help the farmers create better soil while reducing their dependency on expensive chemical fertilizers. Or maybe starting fish ponds.

    Have you determined why the farmers are poor? Is it because their yield per unit acre is low? Is it because their yield per hour worked is too low? Is it because they don't have enough land to work? Is it because they can't get their produce to market easily? Is it because they are competing with subsidized farmers in the U.S. and Europe? Is it because they have to sell to the government at below world prices?

    Once you know why the farmers are poor, then look at that factor more closely:

    If the yield per acre is low, is it because of soil quality? lack of water? a crop not suited to the climate? they don't have enough labor to work the land properly and can't afford the machines to make the labor more productive?

    If the price they are getting for their current crops is too low, perhaps they should look to other crops? or find other ways to sell their crops?


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