
What are Lucas and ness, from super smash bros., brawl from.?

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What are Lucas and ness, from super smash bros., brawl from.?




  1. Ness is from the SNES game Earthbound, which is available everywhere, but Lucas is from the GBA game Mother 3, wildly popular in Japan but unfortunately for RPG fanboys NOT released anywhere else. People are doing fan translations, but they aren't done.

  2. I think ness is from earthbound (or one of them is any how)

    ...just checked...

    Ness from Earthbound

    Lucas from Mother 3

    You'll probably not have ever heard of them as I don't think they were released in the UK.  Only super Nerds will own them.

  3. fighters

  4. I have no idea!! I was wondering that too.....

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