
What are Maglev Trains?

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Can some one explain to me how do maglev trains work?

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  1. A super high tech, super expensive answer to a question that does not exist.  Steel wheels on steel rails are a low friction way of getting about and the technology has been proven for 200 years.  Mag lev trains use enormous amounts of power just powering the opposing magnets and much more than is needed to overcome the friction of bearings and steel wheels on steel rails.  A waste of energy and engineering talent.

  2. Start with this page:

  3. They work on powerful magnets

  4. run slightly above the rails due to magnetic opposing force

  5. the track is a continuos row of electromagnets that can reverse polarity forcing the train down the track due to the train doing the same thing, like poles repel.opposites atract.


  7. this article is a start.  Any website that explains this workings of magnetism, like this one will help you understand better how they are able to use, in this case electro magnetics to propel the train.  Thyssen Krupp from Germany has done alot of the work in this field so anything you find regarding them will also be of help to you. Fascinating field, enjoy your learning experience!!! Paul

  8. The answers here are totally correct, have you ever tried to push magnets together? The exact same principal applies only with electric magnets instead of fixed magnets. The train does not touch the rail, it is suspended by magnets pushing against each other. Horribly expensive system but very workable.

  9. the train has a + magnetic field and the track has a - magnetic field they repell eachother which lifts the train off the ground ,the field continuously changes under the train attracting ahead and repelling it behind

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