
What are Maria Sharapova and Novak Djokovic doing?

by  |  earlier

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  1. They are singing karaoke..... rumors are they are going out but Djokovic denies it......

  2. Maria has to be drunk. No other explanation! LOL

  3. That's LOVE!

  4. Maria looks like she's about to pass out in Djokovich's arms.

  5. I think they r singing kerokey and are drunk

  6. Just having fun i guess...with their fame and stature, they can do what they want for all we care...but hey, they make for a good couple...what do you think?

  7. They look drunk, and are singing karaoke.

  8. Obviously, they are too 'drunk in love' with each other...

    They look nice together- plus IF they have kids, then we would see another version of Federer or Sampras.

  9. they looked drunk and they are singing karaoke...

  10. Had too many yegernators.

  11. they seem drunk

  12. They're just drunk out of their minds. Probably egged on by "friends". Doubt they're going out, but always an interesting possibility.

  13. They are singing lol Looks like they`ve had a bit too much to drink :P hehe

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