
What are Midwestern values? Friday, April 10th Clinton referred to churchgoing Midwestern values.?

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Then according to her does this make telling fibs a Midwestern value? Then as a Midwesterner, I have it backwards?




  1. I am an Indian who has lived in 4 continents and in my 60 yrs I have observed that people of all nations want go back to their old values. I think we are all in the same boat.

  2. Midwestern values:  an honest day's work for an honest day's pay, hard work, honesty, modesty, lack of pretension, your word is your bond, always lend a helping hand, never stand by and tolerate injustice or suffering, your name/reputation/character is your most prized possession.  Aversion to shiny objects and flashy ways (consumerism, political spin, fast talkers, etc.).  Gratitude for the simple things, good food, health, the love of family, shelter, friends and community.  Pulling together when needed yet giving each other space to live independently.

    Probably also god-fearing, church-going would be in there, but more important living in a way that demonstrates the values taught in almost every church in the world:  love thy neighbor as theyself, thou shalt not steal, etc., etc.

    I agree with the previous answerer who said "This is in stark contrast to the value of every man for himself, the law of the jungle, and the survival of the fittest that is the prominent value in other areas of our country."

    So true.  Do we really want to live in a jungle where elections are won & lost by candidates and voters dragging the candidates to the mud and the best we can hope for whether it' McCain, Obama or Clinton - or any other politician - is someone whose values are compromised by campaign contributors, who live by spinning truth into lies.  Our system is broken.  It breaks my heart.  I wish we would all hold ALL politicians' feet to the fire & make them get back to working for the good of the country and the good of the people.

  3. Midwestern values reflect the idea that everybody needs to work together and help each other out when there is a need to do so. At other times the concept of the independence of the individual and self-sufficiency take prominence, on a individual basis. As a community, however, people work together. The basis for this attitude is very much derived from religious principles which are very valued in Midwestern culture.

    This is in stark contrast to the value of every man for himself, the law of the jungle, and the survival of the fittest that is the prominent value in other areas of our country.

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