
What are NSAID's? Im I hurting my horse?

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I use B-L Solution on my horse and on the label it says DO NOT USE WITH NSAIDS.What are NSAIDS? The only thing my horse gets is Senior food and Sand Clear every month.





  2. You should be fine.

    NSAIDS are a type of painkiller(and usually a fever reducer in humans, not sure about horses).  The most common one for horses is Bute.

  3. Non Steroidal Inti-Inflamatory Drugs.....You should be fine, your not hurting your horse, you usually have to get NSAIDS from your vet and they'll let you know what not to mix it with. The Liniment is perectly fine too, it wont react with what your giving your horse.  

  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.  It means drugs that reduce inflammation and are not steroids( like cortisone or hydrocortisone). They include butazoladine (bute), aspirin, banamine, and others that are commonly given to inhibit the damaging effects of inflammation in disorders such as arhtritis, and to reduce the pain that inflammation can cause.  Banamine also reduces pain in colic.  So, you should not use any of these types of drugs while using the B-L solution.

    Absorbine liniment does not contain're fine!

  5. NSAID are non steroidal anti-inflamatories, basically aspirin.  For horses the most common NSAID is bute.  So what you need to look out for is using bute when your horse needs some pain releif because of an injury etc.  If you need something like that talk to your vet.

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