
What are Network Rail like to work for?

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I have been offered a job at Network, it is a good job in the project / change led side of the business. Are they good employers?




  1. Well Network Rail employess who have already answered have come up trumps! It is true, operations side of the company are a bunch of moaners, me included. But when a question like this is raised, the truth comes out!! Network Rail are a good company to work for. As someone mentioned, the company intra net has a chat-like forum where staff company wide can talk to each other. The general feel that I get from office staff is that they are the same as us, they grumble but they wouldn't want it any other way!! Come join the family, we're a nice bunch really....

  2. I really enjoy working in Network Rail and have been with them for 4 years. I am one of the office Staff & there is a really good team spirit where I work.

    I am working one one of the 'Big Major Projects' that has appeared in all the papers & links in with 2012 Olympics. They are well worth joining, just make sure that you get yourself a good wage. Something that I did not. What area have you been offered a job in? Contact me through the e-mail & I will tell you more

  3. Have to echo the previous answer, I've been with Network Rail/Railtrack for about 6 years and have had a couple of jobs in Operations. One or two things annoy me about it but that's to be expected with any job and all things considered I'd recommend it as a place to work. Network Rail certainly beats any other company I've worked for.

    Good luck

  4. Having worked outside the railway and now for network rail i find them a good company to work for compared to many others! ALthough signallers do moan and grumble a bit its just cos we work alone (most of us anyway) go for it if you have nothing to lose.

  5. I'm a Networkrail signaller....have been for 17 years now...and I'd never work for anyone else no matter how much I might grumble about the hours/pay!

    I don't know much about the office staff side of it though...but those who chat on the company infra-net speak well of their conditions and work colleagues.

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