
What are Obama's specific plans as president?

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What are Obama's specific plans as president?




  1. What ever the current listener wants plus higher taxes to pay for more than $1 TRILLION in additional wasting (spending, pandering, vote buying).

  2. There are some questions that just can't be answered...

  3. It depends on what the current audience wants to hear.

    Next week it will be something else.

  4. From todays LA Times: In more than a year of campaigning, B O has made a long list of promises for new federal programs costing tens of billions of dollars, many of them aimed at protecting people from the pain of a souring economy.

    -   But if he wins the presidency, Obama will be hard pressed to keep his blueprint intact. A variety of budget analysgts are skeptical that the Democrats agenda could survive in the face of large federal budget deficits ........

    In other words, he is making hollow promises and saying anything to get elected. If he should ever get some of this programs off the ground they will do more to destroy the economy of this country and the initative of the workers and american population than any other president ever. B O is a very dangerous man.

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