
What are Obama and McCain's stance on NCLB?

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What do these two think about the No Child Left Behind Act?




  1. McCain doesn't seem to have a strong opinion on it one way or the other. Obama is for it but believes it's is currently dummying down the education system and would like to see more qualified teachers and a more challenging curriculum

  2. ooh. Good question. You can get some general education info on I'll be checking back to see what people say

  3. McCain seems to embrace NCLB for the most part. The biggest part of his education platform is school choice, so parents can choose to move from failing schools. He doesn't propose more spending on education at all, even to fund NCLB.

    Obama takes the stance that NCLB is a good start, but requires funding and some other fundamental changes to actually implement properly. If we can't attract and retain good teachers, no amount of accountability from NCLB will do any good.

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