
What are Princess Diana's motherhood facts?

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Hi, I'm a soon to be mother. I'm a huge fan of Princess Diana, she's my idol. Anyway, my question is what did she use to feed her children when they were little other than her own breastfeeding and what are some of her motherhood facts . I'd appreciate your help and please don't pose silly comments it's a serious question. Thank you.




  1. Diana was far too busy shagging any man who looked at her to bring up her own sons.

    She left the upbrining of her sons to Nannies.

    If you add together the length of every c**k Diana ever had, it would reach to Mars.

  2. I don't know about diana but i do know that as a mother, all you have to do is love your children like theres no tomorrow. Feed them healthy nourishing food, mainly organic if you can afford to.

    Stop worrying about what food diana gave her kids, i'm sure she wouldn't have been bothered about what food other mums gave their little ones ... just give your kids whatever you fell is healthy and will keep them strong for years to come.

  3. to be honest Diana is on a pedestal to which on motherhood some others would be a better role model

    look at women in your area and people you have met at mother-care classes getting tips from them  not from Diana who had nannies and therefore didn't look after her children 24/7.............

    a woman who hasn't been seen in public with possett on her shoulders or in her hair looking frazzled isn't the best choice for a role as by that there is some time your not with your children

    diana didn't do the weekly shop with a fractious 2 year old demanding anything and everything and still get it all home and cook meals

    try looking for someone more real not someone who have nannies and servants to help her out  

  4. How can we give a serious answer, to be honest i dont think her second son is charles so I hope you dont follow her example, RIP

  5. Diana was far too busy shagging any man who looked at her to bring up her own sons.

    She left the upbrining of her sons to Nannies.

    If you add together the length of every **** Diana ever had, it would reach to Mars.

  6. Princess Diana had 2 Nannies to take care of her sons. her schedule was so intense that she had little time with them. she was a good mother, but your idea of her being your idol is beyond comprehension.

    there are many books on this subject and of course your own mother.

    do you not have friends who have children?

    Classes you can go to?

    Good luck.

  7. I understand what you are asking but the only thing I can tell you is love your children such as she loved hers.She was always so happy to see them when she had to go away and she broke alot of rules with the royals when it came to her boys.So wanting to be a good mother as she was I think is great.Good luck

  8. Princess Diana had a "wet nurse" who breastfed the babies for her, she had two nannies for each, but tried to be a good mother, royals live in a different world, dont idolise them.

  9. Not sure about the feeding part, but she actually used to show her boys some emotion and love in public which was unheard of for royals =)

  10. She delegated the responsibility to her underlings.

  11. Royalty do not discuss these sort of things with the general masses. Its private. Also she like the others had nannies to look after the children.

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