
What are Ramadan requirements?

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I am a new Muslim, this is my first Ramadan. What requirements do I need to know? Thanks for your help!




  1. fast for 30 days during those days no use of bad language,say five times prayer, recite Quran everyday, try not to watch lot of television and try not to go on the computer but yes for work it is allowed  

  2. There are no requirements. If you desire to follow the traditional rituals that symbolize the essence of the Islamic faith then I suggest you read some of the other answers. You are still a muslim if you do not observe these rituals. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Just respond by asking their interpretation of the jihad doctrine and what steps they have taken to fulfill this compulsory obligation. Always remember that rules are rules and you cannot pick and choose which ones to observe simply because some may cause a moral dilemma that a conflicts with the laws of secular society. I suggest that you opt to follow some of the fine answers provided that guide you with helpful hints. However, try and understand the symbolism and significance behind the code of conduct for the Holy month.  What message were the founder's trying to convey through their Hadith beyond what the Holy Prophet, PEACE BE UNTO HIM, recited through the Holy Q'uran? Just following the rituals doesn't make these people noble Muslims. Remember that Islam is a lifestyle: It is not the South Beach Diet or having your wife tell you she has a headache and isn't in the mood for intimacy.

  3. not to eat/drink

    not to m********e or have s*x (during day)

    to have the intention that you want to fast the next day (intention you want to fast the 30 days of ramadan the first day just incase u 4get on any other day)

    no droplets in nose or ears (eyes excluded and injuctions in muscle)

    dont vomiting (making self vomit, if not dont swallow any vomit, rinse ur mouth and continue ur day)

    cant losing consciousness from morning sunrise to sunset

    dont go insane even for a second

    cant becoming a non-muslim

    these are the obligatory things

  4. Welcome to Islam!

    Ramadan is a very simple thing to do. It will be here either tomorrow or the day after, depending on where you live. First in the day there is suhur which is BEFORE sunrise. You eat before the sunrises, to get ready for the long day without eating. Once the sun rises, you can no longer eat. I like to have something big like:



    Teriyaki Chicken

    Keep it as simple as cereal

    Maybe fruit

    Pita Bread with Labne

    Cheese Sandwich


    With it I always have

    A long glass filled with ice and water, I drink it all so I won't be thirsty

    Vitamins for energy during the day

    And sometimes I have Emergen C to have an energy boost

    After sunset, you can eat but first either have a date or water then recite this

    The following two du‛ās should be recited after breaking the fast. (Abū Dāwūd)

    Allahumma laka sumtu wa alaa rizqika aftartu

    O Allah! For You have I fasted and upon Your sustenance have I broken my fast.

    Dhahab az zama’u wab tallatil urooqu wa thabat al ajru Insha Allah

    The thirst has vanished, the veins have been wetted and the reward is established - Inshā Allāh

    My family and I say it before we break the fast, so you should check at the local mosque to see when you should say it. Also ask them if its okay to say it in English if you can't speak Arabic. Ramadan is new moon to new moon. Check when the new moon will be- Tommorow, or the day after. And check the next new moon to know when it is Eid!

    Ramadan Mubarak!

  5. Fasting for full 30 days.

    No swearing. No bad thoughts. No back-chatting. No gossip.

    Being Pure. Do Wudu every time you feel dirty or have used the toilet.

    No sexual relationships.

    Give money to charity. Give food to charity.

    Go Mosque if you can.

    Pray five times a day.

  6. in general one MUST fast all 30 days unless on travel, sick, old etc. as explained in the Qur'an and sunnah.

    keeping away from food, drink and desire from fajr to maghrib athaan(sunset).

    also keeping away from other bad deeds in general, i.e. backbiting, getting angry.

    increasing in good deeds:

    praying tarawih after isha/night prayer is highly recomended.

    reading the Qur'an is highly recomemended.

    giving more charity and being generous is highly recommended.

    seeking the night of al-Qadr in the last 10 nights is highly recomemnded.

    and i'tikaaf (seclusion in masjid)

    Oh! and do not leave or delay obligatory prayers just like any other month.  but it says, there is no point of someone fasting if they don't make the obligatories. (unless with valid reason ofcourse & not deliberately)

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    for more info & details, please check out the links below:

    audio: >>> regular visitor >>> Ibadah  >>> Concerning Fasting (16) >>> The Rulings of Ramadaan

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