
What are Reiki Healing Techniques ?Are These Techniques Really Effective ?

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What are Reiki Healing Techniques ?Are These Techniques Really Effective ?




  1. as a reiki practitioner i would be inclined to say yes. but that opinion is my own. i think you would have to try it and see if you feel it for yourself, as it is energy work mixed with belief that you will get better, that fuels reiki.

  2. To do Reiki you need to be attuned by a Reiki master teacher. It is a beautiful and very effective thing. I have had great success with Reiki personally and my clients also report great satisfaction.

    Reiki is a form of hands on healing where the practitioner channels healing energy to the receiver. The healing energy is relaxing and helps to support the natural inteligence of the body to heal itself more quickly.

  3. Try looking at google for some reiki techniques or at for some advice.

  4. Reiki is one of the more idiotic forms of quackery.

    EDIT old cat lady: for a start I only have your opinion about the kitten's original condition and her improvement. Eye witness reports are notoriously unreliable.

    Secondly, I have no idea what else you were doing for this kitten. Presumably you were taking extra special care of it -  hand rearing it, giving it extra liquids, keeping it warm, removing it from its mother/litter, feeding it particular foods and so on. Were you giving it evidence-based medicine in addition to the reiki? Who is to say none of these things were responsible?

    Thirdly, the kitten may simply have recovered naturally. The body is self-healing and the vast majority of infections clear up without intervention.

    Fourthly, you obviously have overwhelming faith in these treatments. Therefore you understandably credit natural remissions to whatever treatment you are using. You may even imagine improvements when they do not exist. This is the placebo effect, and is perfectly applicable to animals and babies, although in a different way (I know you don't understand this).

    The only way to objectively work out whether a remedy is effective is to use double blind, controlled testing. In this case we would find many kittens suffering from this condition. We would give half of them the reiki and half a placebo.

    The vet judging whether the kitten had improved would not be allowed to know which treatment had been given. Only after we had worked out which kittens had recovered would we check whether they had been given the treatment or the placebo. We would then check if reiki-treated kittens were more or less likely to recover, and then calculate if this was statistically significant.

    When we use these tests on homeopathy, reiki etc. they fail continually.

  5. Reiki is simply a Japanese traditional method for channeling energy to people (I use it with shelter animals and my cats).  It is the energy that has the potential to heal - not the technique.

    I have a foster kitten who was born without eyelids.  When I saw her at the shelter she had been there for a week - eyes squinted shut, having to be force-fed, etc.  I did a 30 minute "session" with her.  She opened her eyes and went to her food to eat.  She is doing great in my home - gaining weight and being 100% three-month old kitten.  She has an appointment with the opthamologist this afternoon to access her eye condition to see if there is an surgical intervention to help her.

  6. There are Reiki Masters who offer free healing sessions and free attunements/courses.  I can help you for free if you are interested.

  7. Reiki is an energy based healing and enlightenment system.

    There are many forms of Reiki out there now-a-days.  These forms can involve differing techniques depending upon the Reiki master and Reiki form that is used.  The most common is the laying on of hands and/or distant treatments.  However, some Reiki forms also have a specific religious or cultural aspect to them such as Ma'heo'o--which is more Native American in Nature and so employs a medicine wheel also.

    Yes, Reiki can be effective.

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